So far I have created many things for the soda fire. I am continuing to make platters and dishes. I also conquered my fear of a teapot. Two fears conquered in ceramics (handles and teapots). I created my teapot out of two pinch pots and a base that I constructed out of a coil. I have improved my designs for the platters compared to the first one. I would like to make more plates that would match the first one I made. It would be nice to make the plates thinner, but there is something I like about the thickness of it. I really like the shape of the plate and how the designs look.
Right now I am hoping that I can choose the right glaze for these pieces because glazing is usually always where ceramics screws me over. Usually after everything goes through the very last stage of construction in the ceramics process, I end up not liking the final product. So hopefully this time I will take longer to make a decision and will pick the right one.
Before the weekend on Thursday night I tried throwing some larger vases on the wheel. They are a bit wonky, but for a first try I am not too disappointed. Once I added all of the decoration I semi-didn't notice their messed up shape. I definitely want to get back on the wheel and try to make another vase, but maybe a bigger version of the simple one I made on a smaller scale when I was making mugs.

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