Week 1

Back into the groove of ceramics! Over the weekend I made a panel that I can pound out a slab in to create my reliefs. If I enjoy this process I can imagine this being a project that I continue throughout the semester as a series. I've always loved reliefs used as part of architecture and especially reliefs that are pretty much 3-dimensional paintings!

Texture is something that I've always been drawn to in painting and everywhere really. Texture brings an element of touch to the work and without the process of touching it is difficult to feel connected to a work of art as a viewer and creator.

This is something I've always struggled with in painting. Painting doesn't allow for touch naturally. That being said it can be very easy to be disconnected from a painting. I am looking forward to creating these reliefs so that I can bring the element of touch back into my artwork and to create 3-dimensional paintings of the traditional subject matter that I've always liked to paint but never do because of the direction of my work for painting.

Oh, and that apple from last semester is looking more disgusting than it ever has. I think it's finally about to collapse.
