Week 7

So this evening I made even more crochet tools and even tools that are more like accessories to crochet tools. Such as a pom pom maker and stuffed animal eyeballs. Even though these tools aren't actually crochet tools they help finish off the crochet project and give it a more professional look. Yes you can make pom poms with a fork or even your fingers, but pom pom makers are really awesome because you get a perfect full and fluffy pom pom every time rather than a droopy looking ball of yarn.

I also tried something totally new to me, weaving with clay. I was very hesitant at first and although I still have a little bit to go to finish off the basket, I am already pleased with the results. I may even like these better than weaving actual baskets. When making actual baskets you practically have to defy gravity when constructing the walls but when weaving with clay it is much more simple and it goes so fast. These baskets went so fast it makes me want to make more of them. Maybe 501? One for each flower...

I'm not that crazy.

I would like to make more baskets though for fun or maybe as a part of the next project. Maybe I just like to make multiples of things and things that can be made quickly enough that allows me to get to large quantities of the objects. This is something to consider in the future, maybe even something to consider for painting. To surround is a very interesting verb to work with. It's definitely something to think about.
