My name is Carly Jarboe. I am majoring in B.F.A. Painting and minoring in ceramics. The purpose of this blog is to focus on my ceramic work. After about a week or so of being back in the ceramics studio as a Ceramics II student, I have been working on a verb project. At first, this project left my mind in what you can compare to a state of writer's block. However, I stumbled upon an idea that I have now fallen in love with.
With my paintings, I love for every piece to have a story to have some sort of theme or message or even history that the viewer can relate to. When my project for ceramics changed from being a weaving done with coils of clay around an apple to a snake weaving in and out of the apple as it suffocates it, I just couldn't resist the symbolism, story, and meaning behind the piece.
As this project progresses I hope to see the apple rot and the snake decay and crack because it is losing the support of the apple. One could relate this to a sinner turning to God. The snake needs the apple (sinners) and without it, it cannot stand.
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